Sl No | Name of faculty and students in team | Department (ADMIN, ACCOUNTS, HR & TNP/ BA/ BS & HU/ CA/ CE/ CSE/ ECE/ EE/ EIE/ IT/ ME) |
Status of the patent (Filed / published / Granted) |
Details of Application No | Date of Filed/ Published /Granted ( DD/MM/YYYY) |
Name of the Innovation |
1 | Madhusmita Mishra | CSE | Published | 201731027412 | 2/8/2017 | AISFDTO |
2 | Madhusmita Mishra | CSE | Published | 201931049883 A | 6/11/2021 | APSLWMV |
3 | Supriya Dhara | AUE | Granted | 528/KOL/2008 | 20/12/2017 | Automatic Indicator Signal, Head Lamp, High/Low Beam Operation & Inclination warning System for Vehicle |
4 | Anirbit Sengupta | ECE | Published | 201931044529 | 10/04/2020 | “Methods and Apparatus for Microcontroller based Automated Shadow Lighting System” |
5 | Anirbit Sengupta | ECE | Published | 201931054688 | 29/05/2020 | “Method and Apparatus for Dynamic Lighting System” |
6 | Anirbit Sengupta | ECE | Published | 202031029347 | 09/07/2020 | “A novel PIXEL board Controller for Animation” |
7 | Anirbit Sengupta | ECE | Filed | 202131009490 | 07/03/2021 | “IoT based growth monitoring system for crops and fruits” |
8 | Anirbit Sengupta | ECE | Filed | 20221014137 | 15/03/2022 | “Cloud-Controlled Soil Watering and Soil Health Monitoring System” |
9 | Anirbit Sengupta | ECE | Filed | 202211030649 | 28/05/2022 | “AI- Driven Automated Disinfection Vechile System Based on Machine Learning and Swarm Intelligence “ |
10 | Anirbit Sengupta | ECE | Filed | 364978-001 | 29/05/2022 | “Lightweight Payload Battery Driven Vehicle“ |
11 | Shefalika Ghosh Samaddar | CSE | Published | 1145/DEL/2008A | 22.04.2011 | "Laptop/NoteBook Holder-An Orthopedic Care Accessory |